Foothills Hiking Challenge


Columbia Valley Community Health is partnering with the Chelan-Douglas Land Trust and Team Naturaleza for a series of three fall hikes in the Wenatchee foothills. The Foothills Hiking Challenge is a great way to get out and explore our local trails.  Hikes will last between 1 and 1.5 hours and are led in Spanish and English. Participants will learn about the local plants and animals along the way.  A CVCH employee and a bilingual Land Trust guide will lead the hikes.

The series of three hikes will be held on Friday’s at 5:30pm

  • September 23: Saddle Rock, 3 miles, estimated time 1.5 hours
  • September 30: Castle Rock, 1 mile, estimated time 1.5 hours
  • October 7: Dry Gulch, 2 miles, estimated time 1 hour

Click here for more information.